Becoming a Christian


What is a Christian?

Simply a Christian is someone who seeks to follow Jesus and make him the centre of all they are and do! Of course many people have lots of other thoughts on what a Christian is – someone who goes to a church, someone who prays, someone who reads the Bible or someone  born in a Christian country. It may surprise you to know none of these truly describe what it means to be a ‘Christian’.

Jesus didn’t come to be admired, start a new religion, give some nice teachings or perform a few impressive miracles! His life showed us an insight into God and his Kingdom. Indeed one of the claims of Jesus was that he was the Son of God – the way, the truth and the life. God made flesh and blood, human, moving into our neighbourhood! His challenge to every single human being is to become followers of him and in doing so we find true and lasting relationship with God the Father (maybe watch this video to hear the Father’s Love Letter to you…)

The Jesus challenges…

We need to recognise we mess up and we sin. Sin causes us to hurt others, hurt ourselves and hurt the world around us. Jesus calls us to seek forgiveness and then to live a life that is not led by sin but a life that loves God and loves our neighbour. When we do this we discover the reality of who we are and the reality of who God is.

Jesus shows us God created you for a reason!  We are called to be people who have life in all its fullness. When we invite Jesus to be at the centre of who we are and all we do we discover that life in all its fullness.

Life with Jesus shows us we are not an accident, mistake or living a life with no real meaning. God has a wonderful plan and purpose for every single person. When we place Jesus at the centre we discover more about the plan and purpose God has mapped out for us.

Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the part of God who lives in people bringing us to faith in Jesus. The Holy Spirit is constantly equipping, empowering, guiding, teaching, comforting, challenging and building us up to be a people of power and world-changers. We recognise that we need the Holy Spirit so we can be the people God has destined and purposed us to be!

Becoming a Christian is a prayer away! Prayer is simply chatting to God – connecting with the one who made you!

A Simple Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ,

I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life for the ways I mess up and sin (take a few moments to ask His forgiveness for anything particular that is on your conscience). Please forgive me. I now turn from everything that I know is wrong.

Thank you that you died on the cross for me so that I could be forgiven and set free.

I ask that you become central to all I am and all I do. Help me to be someone who loves you and loves my neighbour.

Show me the plan and purpose you have for my life.

I ask for a filling of the Holy Spirit to equip, empower, guide, teach, comfort, challenge and build me to be a person of power and a world-changer.

Thank you Jesus, Amen.

Wey-hey – heaven has just become a party!

When you pray that, mean that and live that you will become a follower of Jesus, a Christian. All of heaven is partying right now as you make this life changing decision. King’s would love to connect with you and help you in this journey. Get hold of a Bible (a modern translation will be easier to read – try where you can read various versions – we recommend either New International Version, The Message or The Passion Translation for an easy read) – start with the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tell the story of Jesus). Find a local church to connect with – a family who will help you on this spiritual journey (if you are outside Calderdale contact us and we may be able to find a church local to you). Go on The Alpha Course where you can grasp the basics and ask questions.

You may also want to check out other websites that help you explore more about the Christian faith and may answer questions you have:

Remember God loves you and is for you! He is championing you on! He is on your side! Enjoy the adventure…

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